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High School IGCSE/ A Levels (Grade 12) With Subjects Not Available Commonly In Schools | Study At Your Own Pace with Global Teachers | International Qualification Through Exams And Coursework



Offering Unparalleled Customisation Of Curriculum  With Flexibility Of Classes At Suitable Pace For The Student

In conventional schooling system a student has to study all subjects that they are provided whether they like or not. This sometimes stops children from enjoying the ones that really like or even make them confused which career to choose from. At Linguaphile Skills Hub, we offer subject customisation based on the strengths of the child enabling them to pursue a career of their dreams. They have the options to appear for international board examinations or coursework based progression, both of which are acceptable globally.

Art Studio Wall

Art & Design

Baking Croissants

Food Science

Music Room




And Many More to Choose From

Flexible Methods of Assessment based on student strengths and subject chosen

Not all of us learn the same way, hence a rigid method of examination may not work for everyone. Hence our courses are assessed by time based examinations as well as coursework that is assessed continually as part of your course. While we are affiliated to Pearson Edexcel (UK), we also work with various other UK based examination bodies through our partner organisations ensuring the qualifications for your child are globally recognised.

Film Production


Passenger Plane

traveL tourism

Beauty Products

beauty therapies

Building Robot

stem subjects

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Linguaphile Ltd | Regd. Office: 63/66 Hatton Garden, Fifth Floor, Suite 23, London EC1N 8LE, United Kingdom | Company Regn No. 12397826 | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

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